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Totally unexpected and brilliant!
“This book was a complete surprise and such a pleasure to read.”~DontBotherMeImReading
This book is off the charts emotional
“It is a journey like never before. You get to see the second chance that Brie and Thane Davis you were never able to imagine before. The chemistry is hot and will leave you breathless.” ~KMullins
Durov returned with two bottles of vodka. “Vodka solves everything,” he announced, grabbing two shot glasses and bringing them to the coffee table.
“Sorry, old friend. Neither Brie nor I are drinking alcohol until the baby is born.”
His jaw dropped. “What?”
“I felt it was only fair since she is abstaining.”
Durov looked at Brie. “Is he serious?
Brie smiled sympathetically and nodded.
Durov looked at the two bottles forlornly. “But I do not care to drink alone.”
Brie got up and headed into the kitchen, coming out with a carton of coconut water and another shot glass. “This is what we drink these days.”
“Let me try it.”
Brie filled each glass and winked at him as she handed out the shots to each of them.
Durov watched Brie intently as she put the glass to her lips and took a sip. He then turned to Thane. “You really drink this, moy droog?”
“Da,” Thane answered with a grin, downing the shot and placing the glass on the coffee table. He raised an eyebrow in challenge.
Durov stared at the glass in his hand suspiciously for several moments before tipping it back. He immediately sputtered—a spray of liquid escaping his lips and flying through the air. “That is revolting, comrade!”’
Brie was giggling as he wiped his mouth with his sleeve, a nasty expression on his face.
“Don’t ever give that to me again,” he warned them.
Thane made a mental note to surprise Durov with coconut water at some point in the future.
Brie left the room and came back with a towel. Durov took it from her, cleaning himself first before wiping the floor. “I do not know how I will get that disgusting taste out of my mouth.”
Thane opened one of his bottles of vodka and poured a small amount into Durov’s glass, swirling it to rinse it out. He poured the used liquid into his own glass before refilling Durov’s shot glass with pure vodka. “I’m sure this will help.”
Durov gladly took the shot glass and downed it, holding out the empty glass for Thane to refill. “I think two more times will do.”
Thane refilled it willingly. The look on Durov’s face when he downed the coconut water kept replaying in his mind.
“What are you smiling about, comrade?”
Thane only chuckled, steering the conversation away from the question. “Téa, would you get my belts off the nightstand?”
Brie’s eyes widened as she bowed to him before heading down the hallway to their bedroom.
“Moy droog, what are you up to?” Durov asked lustfully.
“Although I have no time for a day at the beach, I think a short break will prove refreshing for all three of us.”
Brie returned naked, holding the four leather belts that had lain on his nightstand for months, waiting for use.
Thane took the belts from her, handing three to Durov. “I always say when you can’t get drunk on vodka, get drunk on Brie.”
Are you ready for the newest Brie?
Out November 21st!
A man in love is unstoppable.
Sir Thane Davis is a fighter and has survived countless tragedies.
Now he must deal head-on with Lilly to protect the woman he loves and the baby she carries. He is relentless, wanting to end this threat once and for all.
But unseen forces are at play which will challenge the Master. Will victory be his or will he lose everything he holds dear?
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(This is the book before In Sir’s Arms)
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✮ ✮ ✮ Her Russian Returns ✮ ✮ ✮
Her Russian Returns will blow you away!
“I couldn’t put it down for a second even read it on the toilet lol” ~ Emma
Rytsar Durov should be dead.
But in the BDSM world, loyalties run as deep as kinky passions.
Sir Thane Davis is determined to save his Russian brother, but must call on his friends at the Center to execute the plan.
✮ ✮ ✮ Her Russian Returns ✮ ✮ ✮
THE COVER REVEAL for Under His Protection
By Red Phoenix
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Misunderstood Hero
Having his heart recently broken, Faelan accepts the challenge of keeping Brie safe and vows to protect her by
But when a curvy little sub catches his eye at the Haven, he is forced to choose loyalty over love.
His allegiance lies with his friends at The Center, and the time has come to prepare their rescue of Rytsar Durov—one of their own.
Book #14 of the Brie’s Submission Series
By Red Phoenix
Coming out this Summer
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