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A Condor’s Love by Red Phoenix – Exclusive Short Story

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The short story will warm your heart and remind you why you love Brie!

Sign up for my newsletter to read the special scene involving Master’s birthday surprise – the man doesn’t like celebrating birthdays. LOL


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Love, <3 ~Red

A Cowboy’s Heart: Brie’s Submission by Red Phoenix

51oLqQJYJpLAre you ready for the Bullwhip Master? Just released!

Master Brad Anderson is a man on a mission – to protect those he loves.

Find out what happens when love and loyalty collide.

A cowboy can’t resist a damsel in distress…

Brad Anderson, the bullwhip master, has guarded his heart ever since a certain redhead broke it. After attending the wedding of his best friend, Master Anderson decides to find his own happy ending. However, it seems Fate has different plans when he finds himself protecting a damsel in distress.

Will this cowboy at heart ever let down his guard long enough to allow true love to flow in? Find out what happens when love and loyalty meet Fate head on.

* A portion of the story Includes the short “Stud Poker” part of the retired anthology, One Night in Vegas. It is important part of Master Anderson’s journey.

Master Brad Anderson, the Bullwhip Master is no exception.






Enjoy his POV! Love, Red

The Final Part of “16 Years Earlier: Master’s POV”

16 Years Earlier CoverHere is the final piece of “16 Years Earlier: Master’s POV” by Red Phoenix. I hope you enjoy it!

I have one more surprise waiting for you. To find out what it is, please join me on my #Facebook author page today where you can find the 1st part and then join the #party! FB – RedPhoenix69

Part 8

Thane felt blood rush to his groin as he explored the contours of her mouth. He broke the embrace, and stared at her for a few moments before asking, “Have you ever had an encounter here with someone who didn’t use a whip or some kind of instrument?”

She giggled. “No, Sir.”

“Would you like to try?”

The girl smiled in amusement, but her eyes grew bigger when she realized he was serious. “With you, I might.”

“We’ll consider it a date then.”

“Not tonight?”

“No, as Rytsar so crassly indicated, I’m new at this dynamic and would like to do some research first.”

“You are wise to do so, Sir, and I would be honored to be your first when you return.”

Thane looked over at Durov. “So is he your Master?”

Glee giggled. “No.” She pointed to another man who was caning an older woman. “That is my Master. He has given Rytsar free reign over me.”

Thane frowned. “So your Master won’t mind if you and I scene together?”

“Not if Rytsar has ordered it.”

He shook his head in disbelief. “There’s a lot for me to learn.”

Durov came up behind him and slapped him hard on the back. “Da, you have much to learn but we must go now.”

Thane took glee’s hand and kissed it. “Until my return…”

She giggled again, blushing profusely.

Durov tsked in disgust. “There is no need for niceties, moy droog. You are missing the whole point.”

“I disagree,” Thane answered. “A woman deserves to be worshipped, especially if you plan to use and abuse her.”

Durov rolled his eyes, but offered no witty come-back.

Brad remained silent as he followed behind them while the three made their way out of the warehouse.

“You are not allowed to speak of this place or what happens here to anyone. I’m sure now that you appreciate the dynamic, you can understand why it must remain a secret,” Rytsar said as they walked.

“I could certainly see jail time happening if you weren’t careful,” Thane agreed.

“Da, there are many who do not understand BDSM.”

“Well, I certainly didn’t until tonight,” Brad confessed.

When they happened across a payphone, Brad asked them to stop. “Just a sec, guys. There’s something I need to do.” Brad threw a bunch of change into the phone, dialed and then waited.

“Hey, Ma? I know it’s late, but do you mind shipping me the old bullwhip? I think it’s still hanging in the barn.”

He paused for a moment. “Yeah, yeah, that’s the one. If you could send it priority mail that would be great.”

Another extended pause.

“You want to know why I need it?” He looked over at Thane and Durov. “Well…I’ve been stressing out over finals and thought a little bullwhip practice might take my mind off things.”

He nodded as he listened to her talk for a while, gesturing to Thane and Durov to be patient. “Sure, a batch of peanut butter cookies would be great.” Brad glanced at Thane. “I’m sure he wouldn’t mind, Ma.” He cuffed the phone and asked, “My mom wants to send you cookies too, and is wondering what kind you like.”

Thane smirked, trying to hide a foolish smile, touched that Brad’s mother had thought of him. “I have no idea, really.”

Brad whispered, “She makes killer Toll House cookies, man.”

“Fine, Toll House it is, then.”

Brad spoke into the phone again. “Chocolate chip would be great, Ma. But get the package out tomorrow if you can. I’m dying over here.”

After he hung up, Durov told Thane, “You are sharing those cookies with me, comrade.”

Thane laughed. “A small price to pay for such an enlightening evening.” He became quiet as he mulled over the events of the night while they made their way back to the dorm.

“Are you glad you came, moy droog?” Durov asked. “Despite the torture you were a witness to?” he added with an impish grin.

Thane put his hand on Durov’s shoulder and answered solemnly, “It has been a rare gift—this night.”

“Do not squander it.”

Thane only nodded as he watched the Russian leave. He was overwhelmed by a sense of hope he’d never known before. Was it possible to overcome the damage done by his mother after the untimely death of his father?

To lead the semblance of a normal life…wouldn’t that be a miracle?

He looked at Brad with a half-smile. “I never would have guessed waking up this morning, that this is how the night would end.”

“Me either, bud. This has been one crazy night.”

Thane looked at his watch. “And it looks like I can still get in a few hours of study.”

He fully expected Brad to give him shit about it, but was surprised when Brad opened the door to their building, stating, “I think I’ll join you tonight…”




“Hurry up, man!” Brad urged. “We’re going to miss the start of the exam if you don’t get your butt out to the bus stop now.”

“I’ll be there in a sec,” Thane assured him. “Tell the busdriver to wait if you have to. I need to pay my bill.”

“I’ll be damned if I’m holding the bus for a slow-ass,” Brad answered with a grin as he pushed open the door and headed out.

While Thane waited at the counter for the waitress to return with his change, he noticed a little girl with long pig tails struggling to grab a container of catsup from the diner counter. She was a tiny thing in a polka-dot dress, not looking to be more than seven.

The child’s tongue stuck out from effort as she tiptoed with her arm fully extended, trying to grab the bottle. However, it remained just out of reach of her grasping fingertips.

Thane slid the bottle over to her, giving her a friendly wink.

The little girl grabbed it, clutching the bottle to her chest as she grinned up at him. “Thank you, mister!”

He returned her infectious smile, and chuckled. “No problem, kid.”

“Guess where I’m going?”

He shook his head, charmed by the little brunette’s enthusiasm.

Her hazel eyes sparkled with childish delight. “I’m going to Disneyland for the first time. Have you ever been?”

Thane shook his head. “Can’t say that I have.”

“Well, you should, you know! They have Mickey and Minnie…and Pluto. I love, love, love Pluto,” she said in a dreamy voice.

“With Pluto there, I’m sure it’s bound to be a good time.”

Thane heard a man’s stern command come from the table by the window, “Get back here, young lady.” He glanced over and saw the man glaring at him—obviously the child’s over-protective father.

“Yes, Daddy,” the brunette answered, skipping over to the table with the catsup bottle still clutched to her chest.

As the young girl slid into the booth, Thane overheard the mother say, “How many times have we told you not to talk to strangers?”

Thane could feel the heat of the father’s distrustful stare burning a hole in his back as he turned towards the waitress, who was counting back his change. He laid two dollars on the counter for her, and thrust the rest into his jeans pocket.

As he passed by the family on his way out, the girl chirped, “Thanks for the ’sup, mister.”

He couldn’t help but smile. “Any time, kid.”

“Not another word, Brianna,” the father barked angrily.

Thane chuckled to himself, shaking his head as he went out the door.

You really need to chill, man.  It’s not like I’m going to molest your little girl….