The process of getting ready for #RT16 in Vegas is quite daunting.

Because I have a Promo Table, I must bring enough swag to keep it stocked for 3 days. I have 6 big bags of goodies ready (thanks to my fans from Denver!), plus the large display.

MrRed and I have been spending hours and hours going over our seminar that we are presenting on Sunday. Full of laughter and (lucky me!) hands-on practice.

I also have all the books, book stands, displays and extra material for the signing Saturday AND Sunday. Yikes!

Then there’s the “What am I wearing for a week of panels and parties?”
Pack, pack, pack…
I’m so very grateful I will be driving this year!
Not only do we get to bring BDSM tools we normally would never take on a plane, but I don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars to ship all this stuff.

* Picture taken by eviltammy
RT is intimidating. With so many authors and so many readers, it’s a madhouse, and I am normally a solitary person.

Having it in Vegas is going to be that much crazier! Still, I can’t wait. I get to see old friends, meet new fans, and party like it’s 1999.
(Oh wait, that already happened)

Even though it is going to be nuts and totally exhausting, I’m excited! ~Red Phoenix