Passion Is For Lovers Collection (Box Set)

Author: Red Phoenix
Publication Year: 2013

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About the Book

Four steamy & inspirational novellas centered on saving power of LOVE

In 9 Days

A sweet romance about a young woman who falls in love
with the new student in school, nicknamed ‘the Freak’

9 Days and Counting

A tale about sacrificial love
This sequel to In 9 Days is an emotional reunion
of the two long-lost lovers

And Then He Saved Me

A story of saving tenderness
When a young woman tries to kill herself,
a man of great character intervenes with love that heals

Play With Me at Noon

An inspiring story for couples about creating intimate connections 
(With an ending that may surprise you)

Other Books By Red Phoenix

Teach Me (Brie's Submission Book 1)

The Keeper Of The Wolf Clan (Keeper Of Wolves Book 1)

Socrates Inspires Cherry To Blossom (The Online Dom)

What to read next

The Keeper Of The Wolf Clan (Keeper Of Wolves Book 1)

Sir's Rise (Rise of the Dominants Book 1)

Safe Haven (Captain's Duet Book 1)

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