Her Sweet Surrender now released!

Cover of Her Sweet Surrender
Her Sweet Surrender now released! It’s finally here, the most anticipated book in the Brie Series! You think you are ready, but I can guarantee you aren’t. You’re going to need a towel and three boxes of tissues after you’re done with this book!
Make sure you give yourself the whole day to read Her Sweet Surrender, because once you start, you won’t be able to stop! And if you’re anything like me, you’re going to need a place to talk about what happened! Then head over to my Facebook page Red’s Spoiler Room to hang out and discuss the book!
I can’t wait for you to read the book. Buy it now on your favorite device below:
Amazon – https://smarturl.it/RPBSHSSA
Apple Books – https://smarturl.it/RPBSHSSAB
Kobo – https://smarturl.it/RPBSHSSK
Nook – https://smarturl.it/RPBSHSSN
Google – https://smarturl.it/RPBSHSSG
Looking to get started reading Brie? Then check out the official reading order here: Official Brie’s Submission Reading Order
Read what some of the early readers have to say about Her Sweet Surrender:
“Wow! What an emotional rollercoaster. Red, you’ve done it again. My emotions ran the gamut.”
Another amazing read from such a talented author. The story line will make you crackup laughing, brawl your eyes out with grief and sexually arouse your inner self. Much is left to be told, this makes the reader already trying to guess what the next book will have in store for Brie and the gang. I think big things are brewing in the next adventure.
Is Brie’s submission #21 coming out on audible? Please say yes because my long walks with the dog will be ruined without it. Pretty please hurry hurry hurry up.